040 441 40 930 info@sk-anwaelte.de Anfahrt

Friedrich-Karl Scholtissek, Lecturer

Attorney, Mediator

Lawyer, Mediator and Lecturer for Architects Law at the HafenCity University, Hamburg (HCU)

Founding Partner of the Firm Scholtissek: Krause-Allenstein Rechtsanwälte

Confidence Lawyer of the Bund Deutscher Architekten (German Architects Association)


Architects and Engineers Law, comprehensive Building accompanying legal advice for large projects, Master Planners, Building Planning Law, Liability and Fees Law, out-of-Court settlements (Mediation/Settlement/Referee).

Curriculum Vitae

1960 Born in Hamburg

1991 After Law Studies at the Universities of Hamburg, Lausanne, Geneva and Cologne, admitted to the Bar, and ever since mostly active in Architects Law, Engineers Law and Building Law.

1990–1992 Published the Commentaries for Federal Land Utilisation Ordinance in the 4th (1990) and 5th (1992) Issue

2004 Training to become a Solicitor-Mediator

2005 Member of the Committee for the nomination of Expert Lawyers to the Bar Association of the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg

2009 Member of the Working Group AK Architects Law for the 3d German Building Court Day in May 2010 in Hamm (new building contract law / the special features of the architects and engineering law, with a special consideration for the achievements of the architects and engineers)

2009 HOAI 2009/Commentary, published 31 Nov 2009 with C.H. Beck Verlag

2010 Lecturer for Architects Law at the HafenCity Universitaet Hamburg (HCU)


  • Deutscher Baurechtstag e. V.
  • ARGE Baurecht im Deutschen Anwaltsverein e. V.
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht e. V.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the IWW Wuerzburg

Activity as a Lecturer

  • Architektenkammer (Architects Association) Hamburg
  • ARGE Baurecht im Deutschen Anwaltverein e.V.
  • Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA-Bund (German Architects Association)
  • Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA-Chapter of the Land Hamburg
  • Bund Deutscher Architekten BDA-Chapter of the Land Schleswig-Holstein
  • HafenCity Universitaet Hamburg
  • Inhouse Seminars for Architects Offices, Project Steering specialists, large banks (countrywide), firms and trusts


  • Baunutzungsverordnung-Kommentar (Building Usage Ordinance Commentary), 4th and 5th Issue, together with Dr. Walter Leder, Köln, published with: Kohlhammer/dgv
  • HOAI 2009/Commentary, published 31 Nov 2009 with C.H. Beck Verlag
  • A considerable number of publications concerning Public and Private Building Law and Architects Law (such as, FAZ, BauR, DBZ, MDR, NJW, NZBau, IWW, Der Architekt, Der Sachverständige etc.)
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