040 441 40 930 info@sk-anwaelte.de Anfahrt

Dr. Florian Krause-Allenstein

Attorney, Expert Lawyer for Building and Architects Law

Partner of the Firm Scholtissek: Krause-Allenstein Rechtsanwälte

Lecturer for Building and Architects Law at the Leuphana Universitaet Lueneburg

Lecturer for Building Insurance Law at the Philipps-Universitaet Marburg

Arbitrator and Referee according to SOBau and DIS

Leader of Working Group IX for Building Insurance Law of the Deutscher Baugerichtstag e.V.

Confidence Lawyer for the Bauherrenschutzbund (Protection Association for Developers and Principals)


Legal Project Management
Comprehensive building-accompanying legal advice for large and mid size building projects, for Developers, Contracting Parties, Investors, Planners and Consortium leaders.

Architects and Engineers Law
Comprehensive advice and representation in Court and out-of-Court for firms of Architects and Engineers, in the areas of Wages and Fees Law, Liability Law and Building Insurance Law.

Building Contracts Law
Comprehensive consultancy as well as out-of-court and in-Court representation of clients, investors as well as contractors and investors in the areas of labour wage law, liability law and building insurance law.

Building insurance
Comprehensive advice as well as out-of-court and in-Court representation of insurance companies as well as all building participants in connection with disputes regarding insurance cover, in the field of construction insurance law.

Out-of-Court dispute resolution
Acting as arbitrator and mediator for the out-of-court dispute settlement of construction and architectural law as well as building insurance legal conflicts.

Curriculum Vitae

1973 born in Hamburg.

1992–1994 Federal German Army, including 1 year at the international headquarters of NATO, Headquarters Allied Forces Northern Europe, Oslo, Norway (Rank: First Lieutenant of Reserve)

1994–1998 Law Studies at the Universitaet Hamburg, with honours


  • Spent several years in the Real Estate Department of an internationally operating Business Law Firm, Frankfurt am Main
  • Doctorate in Architects Law, Dissertation with honours
  • Awarded a Stipend from the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft
  • Legal traineeship in Frankfurt am Main, with honours

2001 Partner of the firm Scholtissek : Krause-Allenstein Rechtsanwälte

2008 Expert Attorney for Building and Architects Law, Arbitrator and Mediator according to SOBau und DIS

2010 Leader of Working Group IX for Building Insurance Law of the Deutscher Baugerichtstag e.V.


  • Die Haftung des Architekten für Bausummenüberschreitung und sein Versicherungsschutz, published 2001 with Werner Verlag, Baurechtliche Schriften, Band 55
  • Die Haftpflichtversicherung des Architekten und Bauunternehmers und sein Versicherungsschutz, 2nd Issue, published 2006 with Beck-Verlag, NJW-Schriftenreihe
  • Many other publications concerning Building Law, Architects Law and Building Insurance Law (such as in Baurecht, NZBau, Immobilien & Baurecht, Wirtschaftswoche, Recht und Schaden, Immobilienzeitung, Der Bausachverständige, Deutsches Architektenblatt, DBZ)
  • Co-Author of the IBR Online Commentary for Construction Contracts Law (Articles 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639 BGB)
  • Co-Author of the loose-leaf commentary "Handbuch des Architektenrechts", (Handbook for Architectural Law), Kohlhammer Verlag
  • Contributor of the Trade Journal Baurecht (Building Law)
  • Contributor of the Trade Journal Immobilien & Baurecht (Real Estate & Building Law)
  • Co-Author of the juris PraxisReport Privates Baurecht (Private Construction Law)
  • Co-Author of the juris PraxisReport Versicherungsrecht (Insurance Law)


  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bau- und Architektenrecht (Working Group for Building and Architects Law) with the Deutsche Anwaltsverein (ARGE Baurecht)
  • Freiburg Building Law Institute
  • Alumni Association of the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.
  • Versicherungswissenschaftlicher Verein (Scientific Insurance Law Club) of the Universitaet Hamburg
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